“Forgiveness is God’s command”.

Martin Luther, 1483-1546
 German Leader of the Protestant Reformation

The rejuvenating spirit of forgiveness is hard to understand. When you forgive someone who has harmed you, those bad feelings (negative energy) are released and then you feel light hearted. When faced with personal hardship and uncertainty, it is easier to focus within your heart and reach out to clean our slate in life.  Think of someone you need to forgive, someone you may have hurt deeply, hold a grudge against, show prejudice towards or discriminate against. Unforgiveness is the root of many illnesses harbored within our brokenness. This exercise will start the closure of forgiveness.

Hand write a letter to that person. In the letter, ask that person for their forgiveness. Tell them you have the desire to set your heart straight with them. (This is not easy) This powerful act of forgiveness will change your life and theirs.  After you have written this letter, sign it, place it in an envelope and mail it immediately.  ONCE AGAIN, ANOTHER TALL ORDER BUT ONE THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER.  “The power of forgiveness is hard to understand. When we forgive someone who has harmed us or who we have harmed, those bad feelings (negative energy) are released and we feel light hearted.”

Take time to record your thoughts and feelings about your act of forgiveness. Expressing yourself through writing is the beginning of this wellness workshop. Do you feel fear, anxiety, a lighter burden or released from anger. Remember, be honest with yourself and the spirit of forgiveness will begin to blossom.


Review your writing, great job!


I will breathe the rejuvenating spirit of forgiveness the rest of my days and strive to walk a healthy, natural path.


Steve, theGoodWordGuy, let’s move on to the next page of my journaling, Lesson 2: The Value of Thankfulness.