VOLUNTEERING – An Act of Brotherhood




“The crest and crowning of all good, Life’s final star, is Brotherhood.”

Edwin Markham
1852-1940, American Poet and Editor

“Brotherhood is not just a Bible word.
Out of comradeship can come and will come the happy life for all.”

Heywood Broun
1888-1939, American Journalist, Novelist

 Of all the golden rules, in every society, religion, civilization and walk of life, something is mentioned of giving of oneself unselfishly, and receiving a blessing in return. Until a few years ago, I did not know about or understand the spirit of giving or volunteerism.

By accident (my wife volunteered me), I found myself cooking and serving food in a homeless shelter, helping with a meals on wheels route and volunteering in a hospital cancer clinic.

At first, I was very uncomfortable volunteering my time. I viewed my spent time as something being taken from me, rather than giving my most valuable resource to someone in need. The attitude of my heart quickly changed to one of servitude. As this happens in your life, the blessing of humility will reshape the pride harbored deep in your heart.

Take your valuable time to record your volunteer activities and the importance of investing in community development and brotherhood.

How will volunteering become a positive part of my emotional wellness?

Part of volunteering is giving of your time; your investment of time to touch the life of someone you do not know. An easy way to start volunteering is by giving to someone you do know and love. Then you can better give your time to the unknown. On a card, write a note to someone you love and explain to them what their love means to you. Address and seal the card and mail it today.

Next, write a get well card to be delivered to a local hospital. On the card, write a note telling the patient you are thinking of them and wish them a quick recovery. When you are done writing the card, deliver it yourself to the hospital and have it given to a random patient. You will become an instant hero.

These two simple actions will reap fruit of lifelong blessings you may never understand, but know they will deeply touch the lives of two people. This is a very small but powerful investment in brotherhood and volunteering of your time for the betterment of your community. Congratulations, you have a great start.

I commit to volunteering 1 hour a month as a positive investment in brotherhood and my community.


Steve, theGoodWordGuy, let’s move on to: Writing Your Personal Wellness Plan.